Lessons missed due to forgetfulness, illness, transportation difficulties, doctor’s appointments, sports conflicts, family trips, etc. are not excused and can not be made up. Requests for exceptions will be considered in cases of extended illness or injury. Occasionally, and with advance notice, a teacher may be able to accommodate student schedule changes as their own schedule permits.
Teachers are expected to deliver sixteen lessons during the Fall and Winter/Spring semesters. Summer schedules are flexible. It is understood that it is not always possible for a teacher to provide the full complement of sixteen lessons per semester owing to unforeseen circumstances; however, all teachers adhere as closely as possible to this expectation in order to maintain the musical progress of their students. Lessons not given by the teacher due to teacher illness, professional conflicts, etc. are rescheduled, usually by the end of the semester. If a lesson missed due to teacher absence is not made up by the end of the semester, the cost will be credited to the next semester or refunded.
Students may withdraw from the program only at the end of a semester. Students who withdraw because of an incapacitating injury or illness may request a refund of unused tuition. Otherwise there will be no refunds issued after the second lesson of the semester. A $10 processing fee is charged for all students withdrawing from lessons.